Termékek csomagküldési szolgáltatás (2)

Reintegrációs elsősegélydoboz Teljes.

Reintegrációs elsősegélydoboz Teljes.

Medication package designed for companies or manufacturing units of group A and B and in any case with three or more workers. Content according to DM 388/2003 annex 1 and D.L. 81/2008 art.45 and D.P.P. 25/2005, Regulation on first aid provisions in companies of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, which supplements the minimum content required by the national decree. For group A companies, the content provided for in annex 1 is to be integrated on the basis of the risks present in the workplace. complete with: 5 pairs of disposable sterile gloves; 1 anti-squirt visor; 1 litre of cutaneous Povidone Iodine with 10% iodine for professional use; 1.5 litre of saline solution (sodium chloride – 0,9%); 10 packages of sterile gauzes 10 x 10 cm – single packaging; 2 packages of sterile gauzes 18 x 40 cm – single packaging; 2 disposable sterile sheets; 2 disposable sterile medical forceps; 1 medium-sized elastic bandage; 1 package of hydrophilic cotton;
Csomagolás - Egyedi csomagolási megoldások az Ön termékéhez

Csomagolás - Egyedi csomagolási megoldások az Ön termékéhez

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